1. Ordering and Payment

  • Q: How do I place an order?
    A: You can place an order directly through our website by browsing our collection, selecting your desired items, and adding them to your cart. Follow the checkout process to complete your order.
  • Q: What payment methods do you accept?
    A: We accept various payment methods, including major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express), PayPal, and other secure online payment options. For specific inquiries, please refer to our Payment Policy.
  • Q: Can I change or cancel my order?
    A: If you need to change or cancel your order, please contact us within 24 hours of placing your order. After this period, we may have already started processing it.
  • Q: Will I receive a confirmation after placing my order?
    A: Yes, you will receive an order confirmation email shortly after placing your order. This email will include your order number and details of your purchase.

2. Shipping and Delivery

  • Q: Do you ship internationally?
    A: Yes, we offer worldwide shipping! Your order can be delivered to most countries. Please check our Shipping Policy for more details.
  • Q: How long will it take for my order to arrive?
    A: Delivery times vary based on your location. Typically, orders are processed within 3-5 business days, and shipping times may range from 7 to 21 days, depending on the destination.
  • Q: Do you offer free shipping?
    A: We offer free shipping on orders over a certain amount. Please refer to our Shipping Policy for specific details.
  • Q: Can I track my order?
    A: Yes, once your order has shipped, you will receive a tracking number via email that you can use to monitor the status of your shipment.

3. Returns and Exchanges

  • Q: What is your return policy?
    A: We accept returns within 30 days of purchase for items that are unworn and in their original condition. For detailed information, please read our Return Policy.
  • Q: How do I initiate a return or exchange?
    A: To initiate a return or exchange, please contact our customer service team for instructions. Include your order number and the reason for the return.
  • Q: Are there any items that cannot be returned?
    A: Customized or made-to-order items may not be eligible for return. Please check our Return Policy for complete details.
  • Q: Will I receive a full refund?
    A: Refunds will be issued for the purchase price minus any shipping fees. Please see our Return Policy for more information on our refund process.

4. Jewelry Care

  • Q: How should I care for my jewelry?
    A: To maintain the beauty of your jewelry, clean it regularly with a soft cloth and avoid exposure to harsh chemicals. Store pieces separately to prevent scratches.
  • Q: Can I wear my jewelry while swimming or exercising?
    A: It's best to remove your jewelry before swimming, exercising, or engaging in any strenuous activities to prevent damage.
  • Q: How do I clean my jewelry?
    A: For routine cleaning, use warm water and a mild soap solution. Avoid using ultrasonic cleaners for porous stones or delicate jewelry.

5. Sizing and Customization

  • Q: How do I determine my ring size?
    A: You can measure your ring size at home using our Ring Size Guide or visit our store for assistance. Please refer to the "How to Measure Ring Size" section for detailed instructions.
  • Q: Do you offer custom jewelry design?
    A: Yes! We specialize in custom jewelry design. Please contact us to discuss your ideas and requirements, and our team will be happy to assist you.
  • Q: Can I resize my ring after purchase?
    A: Yes, most rings can be resized. Please contact us for more information on our resizing services and associated costs.

6. Customer Support

  • Q: How can I contact customer support?
    A: You can reach our customer support team via email at [insert email address] or by calling +1 (551) 362-749. We’re here to help!
  • Q: What are your customer service hours?
    A: Our customer service team is available Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 6 PM EST.
  • Q: How can I provide feedback about my shopping experience?
    A: We value your feedback! Please feel free to reach out via email or contact form on our website with your comments or suggestions.

7. About Us

  • Q: Where are your products made?
    A: Our jewelry is manufactured in Surat, India, known as the diamond capital, ensuring exceptional craftsmanship and quality.
  • Q: Do you have a physical store?
    A: Yes, we have a store located in the USA where customers can experience our collection in person and receive personalized assistance from our knowledgeable staff.
  • Q: What is your brand's story?
    A: KiruJewels was founded in 2020 with a vision to create exquisite jewelry that celebrates life’s significant moments. Our commitment to quality and craftsmanship is at the heart of everything we do.

8. Promotions and Discounts

  • Q: Do you offer discounts or promotions?
    A: Yes, we frequently run promotions and special offers. Please sign up for our newsletter to stay informed about upcoming sales and exclusive discounts.
  • Q: How do I apply a discount code?
    A: You can enter your discount code at checkout in the designated field. The discount will be applied to your order total.

9. Privacy and Security

  • Q: Is my personal information secure?
    A: Yes, we prioritize your privacy and security. We use industry-standard encryption and secure payment gateways to protect your personal information.
  • Q: How do you handle my data?
    A: We adhere to strict privacy policies and only use your data to process orders and improve your shopping experience. For more details, please refer to our Privacy Policy.